Client Session Extension Through QR Scanning
Session extension is the quickest strategy for using Keyri to authenticate a user into your web or TV app by having them scan a QR code rendered on the screen. It requires the user to be already logged into your mobile app through any means (email/password, social login, etc.). Once scanned, your mobile app will, using the Keyri SDK, encrypt the user's session token(s) and send them to the web or TV client, where it will be decrypted and used to initiate an authenticated session.
The primary advantage of this system is that it requires no backend modification whatsoever - all changes are minimal and contained to your client apps. The lack of backend modification makes this flow ideal if you currently use a third-party authentication system like Supabase, Firebase, or Auth0.
Implementation Examples
Examples of session extension in action can be seen in our Supabase, Firebase, and Auth0 integration guides. They demonstrate how to use the Keyri SDK to send the user's session credentials to your web or TV client and subsequently process it to log the user in.
Broadly, the flow entails sending session credentials from your mobile app to the client using the Keyri QR widget. Once the widget receives the encrypted session credentials, it will decrypt them and make them available to your web/TV app, which can then simply store them as cookies, LocalStorage items, or IndexedDB items. Alternatively, further processing can be performed using them, such as using a refresh token from the mobile app to obtain a new access token for the web/TV app.